Monday, November 25, 2013

Acorn squash

My Sweet, Sweet Acorn Squash

So what are these curious little veggies that you pass by in the supermarket produce section and think, what the hell is that?  An Acorn Squash is an awesome little fall gem in my house, an excuse to have something sweet as a side dish instead of your typical vegetable.   This is a very simple delicious way to eat an acorn squash.  This is NO WAY is diet food, but it is clean eating if done properly.  You'll need an acron squash and a big sharp knife to get started.
Cut the top off as close to the edge as possible so it's just a sliver off the top.  this gives you a flat spot to cut it lengthwise, go ahead and cut it as close to the center as possible starting from the bottom and going through to the top where your first cut was.  Scoop out the seeds like you would a pumpkin and throw them away, or if it's organic, you can save the seeds, which I might make into a separate blog post and a future time.  

You only need 3 ingredients to make the most awesome Acorn squash ever.  Organic Coconut Sugar, Organic 100% pure maple syrup and organic butter.  That's it!
Next take some room temp, soft butter and rub the inside of the entire Acorn squash.  I use my fingers, seems the best tool there is for this job.   Then sprinkle the coconut sugar all over the top edge and of course some will fall in the center, that's great, I use a good amount, I mean it is after all a sweet treat. 

 I then fill up the Acorn Squash center with some Maple Syrup.  It's important to get REAL Maple Syrup.  The one we grew up eating is nothing more then High Fructose Corn Syrup and chemicals and it's by no means clean eating, but real organic maple syrup or honey, NOW that's a clean eating sweet treat!  Also put the squash in a water bath, this insures the outside doesn't burn and get super tough, I usually fill it up pretty full, don't be scared, just be careful when putting it in and taking it out of the oven.  
And The Finished Product is this!  After baking in the oven at 400 degrees for one hour 15 minutes to give to my son, I score the inside with a knife and scoop out the flesh with a spoon into a bowl and pour the sugary goodness on top.  For myself I literally just place the whole half on my plate and dig in, because there is syrup in there each bite is insured to be tasty goodness on a spoon. 
So there it is
1 Acorn Squash
2 TBSP of Coconut Sugar
2-3 TBSP of Maple Syrup
1-2 TBSP of Butter

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