Monday, September 28, 2015

Brocolli Soup

Broccoli Soup.

4 heads of Broccoli
1 large head of Cauliflower
1 large Potato
1 Onion
4 cloves of Garlic
1-3 tablespoons to taste of Salt
3/4 tablespoon of Pepper
a pat of Butter
1 Tbsp Parsley
1 Tbsp Oregano 
1 Tbsp. Basil
1 tsp. ground Thyme
1/2 Tbsp. Turmeric
Chicken Bone Broth (Homemade is best)
1/2 can of coconut milk (OPTIONAL) I didn't use. 

Saute the Onion and Garlic in butter for a few minutes while you peel and cut up the potato and wash and cut up all the broccoli and cauliflower.

Fill up your stockpot with the potato, broccoli and cauliflower and then add chicken bone broth until the veggies are about covered.

Add your herb and spices now.  You can add as little as you want and then taste taste taste and season how you wish.  I started with 1 full tablespoon of salt, since my bone broth has NOTHING in it. I then added all the herbs and spices including Turmeric.

Bring to a boil and simmer for 40 minutes.  Taste frequently, if the broth is not salty then it probably needs more.  The broth should taste wonderful.  I ended up adding a full tablespoon more of salt.  So I used just about 2 tablespoons of salt in this recipe.  Use to your liking. 

When the soup is done, place your hand emulsion blender in the soup and blend till smooth.

In the picture up at the top you'll see I have pictured a can of coconut milk, well I didn't end up using it.  I ended up having soup that was actually too loose, so I ended up adding corn starch and water to thicken it up a tad.  Sometimes what you want doesn't always work out the way you wanted it to.  In the end it tasted DELICIOUS, without the coconut milk.  It didn't need it. 

I bottled it up in large jars for easy storage.
You can see this recipe made 6 large 24-32 ounce jars are what I used here.

Enjoy and share with your friends and family.  I find storing it in jars makes it easy for others to heat it up and when you do, always do so under low heat on the stove.

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